If I recall I made a list similar to this last fall when we first moved to Redmond. I knew I was going to have some time on my hands so I tried to set some goals. I accomplished some...and with others I was not so successful. We'll just say those are still in progress.
I've been pretty busy the last few months subbing, but now that the school year is winding down, I have started thinking about what I will do with my renewed free time.
This is what I came up with:
~Rearrange our furniture!
~Plant a potted garden, including tomatoes and lettuce.
~Start organizing a real food storage system that we can rotate through.
~Actually organize things that just got shoved in closets when we moved in.
~Organize my miscellaneous sewing items (i.e. extra fabric, batting, buttons, etc).
Put these into little storage containers.
So this isn't a very fun list. It's more of what I feel needs to happen this summer. Our little apartment is in need of some organizing, so that is what I am going to do!