This post is long overdue and I really had good intentions of doing it for the past week...but it just didn't happen. You'd think that lying around the house all day I would find some time to blog about my baby girl. But anyways, I am finally doing it!
Claire Eva Casebolt was born Tuesday, January 3, 2012 at 10:05 p.m. She came into this world weighing 6 lbs 15 oz., measuring 20.5 inches long and looking absolutely perfect! She had beautiful, flawless skin, big attentive eyes and a head full of hair. Our little angel had finally arrived. However, we had not been expecting her quite so soon. New years day Jason and I went to the hospital because my blood pressure had been measuring high and my OB had told me to check in with the hospital nurse if it was over 140. The nurse asked us to come in so they could double check my pressure so we went, casually thinking they'd give me a baby aspirin and tell me to put my feet up.
We couldn't have been more wrong.
With my pressure consistently measuring in the mid 140s over 105 the nurses seemed pretty concerned. They told me that I probably had a mild form of preeclampsia and the only way to resolve it was to have a baby! The doctor decided that they would monitor me for the next 24 hours and then decide what to do. Jason ran home to grab more stuff and they moved me to a labor and delivery room.
Monday night they began the induction process with a Foley catheter and Tuesday morning they started giving me pitocin. Luckily I progressed well enough throughout the day without any problems. The worst part of the whole thing was that my epidural only lasted for about an hour before I began feeling INTENSE pain in my lower abdomen and back. The anesthesiologist never did figure it out--I was completely numb up to my hips and that was it. But by that point I was completely dialated and I pushed little Claire out in less that 45 minutes! Oh the relief! And oh, what a beautiful baby!! She really was perfect. :)
We stayed in the hospital 3 more days so that Claire could be treated for jaundice. She is doing well now and putting on lots of weight! She is our precious little angel and we love her so much!
She had daddy wrapped around her little finger the moment he first held her.
Getting her tan on under the bili lights :0)
Grandma Casebolt flew in the Friday after she was born and was a great help to us!
Patiently waits as dad changes her diaper--what a good baby!
Jason actively "fathering" his child ;0)
Tummy time!
Look at those eyes! So alert and attentive.