Seattle is known for being environmentally friendly. Ya know, "save the whales!" and "hug a tree!" type of thing. Well I thought it would be pretty cool if we went and checked out the aquarium they have here in town; apparently it was supposed to be the bomb diggity. Plus, a girl at work got me two complimentary tickets because her mom works there. Nice.
So yesterday Jason and I went downtown to the famous Seattle Aquarium. It was....nice. I have a few criticisms however. It was super small. It seemed that the main displays were starfish(oops, i mean sea stars) and small fish. That's ok but they have that at the Museum of Science and Discovery too. Also, the big mammals, consisting of two giant seals, had this super small tank. They had two identically sized tanks side by side: one had two big seals and a little guy and the other had otters. Hm... that seems less than environmentally friendly. The 2 ton seals get the same sized tank as the 2 pound otter? Another thing that I was sad about was that they didn't even have killer whales! What Aquarium in the northwest has the audacity to call itself an aquarium and not have orcas?? Even Miami Seaquarium has a killer whale! And they don't patrol the coasts of Florida naturally.
Oh well, I guess for all this complaining it means that I was just a little disappointed. I am still glad we went and I am definitely glad we did not have to pay the $16 something fee for each ticket. But I expected more I suppose. To top it all off, the aquarium doesn't have it's own parking so we ended paying $8 bucks for public parking! Ouch! sigh. Asa e viata! We also got a glimpse of the famous pike place market. Not gonna lie, I was not dying to go in. Jason and I both thought it looked overrated and neither one of us really care to go there.
I shouldn't complain. There were some neat things that we saw and some super uuuuggggly fish, haha! I enjoyed the experience of going downtown and hey, at least I got some cute pictures of my adorable hubby! He is such a good sport. I'm always telling him to stand here or stand there while I take a picture of him. He likes it :)
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