So what have Jason and I done about that? Lots of fun water activities! This last week had a lot of firsts for me. We went kayaking around Lake Union and U of W last Thursday, which was the first time ever for me. I am pleased to say that I got the hang of it fairly quickly and never tipped.
On Monday, Jason's mentor invited us to go boating with him and his friend. Again, a first for me. I have never gone boating before! Plus, we got to try our hand at water skiing. Unfortunately for me, I found out that water skiing is not my forte. After three tries I finally got up and even then it looked more like a squat. And then I elegantly ended that run by tripping, sprawling over the water and losing both my skis. :) Oh, the good times. Skiing is a nerve-wracking, painful event. Jason faired alot better than me, but like me, he didn't want to go for a second round. We were content to sit in the boat or play frisbee in the water. I was very proud of myself because I kind of got over my fear of lakes and went swimming in Lake Sammamish. Woohoo!
So that's what we've been doing to handle the hot weather. It doesn't look like it's really going to cool down before we leave either. Yikes!