So anyways, we went to this park called Snoqualmie Falls. First, I just have to say what a cool name that is: sno-qual-mie. That rocks. Anywho, so we got to the park and from the top you get a pretty good view of the beautiful falls, but you have the option of hiking down to it's base. When I say hike, it was more like a casual stroll, half through nature and half through very man-made fences and enclosures. But it was scenic all the same. At the end of the hike you walk along this boardwalk that is lined with big warning signs that tell you not to leave the boardwalk due to flashfloods. But of course no one listens to big warning signs. When we got to the end, we, along with half the tourists, climbed down and walked along the rocky riverbed to get a closer view of the falls. It was definitely worth breaking the rules :)
Here are some more pretty pictures of the falls, I couldn't pick just one!
Here are some more pictures of us!
oh look at your cutsie background!!!! love it :)