So I've decided that I am going to have start doing monthly blogs because life have become to busy to do this daily or even weekly. I have realized that blogging is for people that don't have alot to do and simply have too much time to kill. Maybe that's just me. No offense to all the bloggy bloggers who are hard core (since they all will be reading my blog).
This is just for me to keep track of some good things happening in my life. So here is the update for the month of October:
To begin, Jason and I had the chance to got o General Conference. That was an awesome experience and we sat down and made some good goals as a family based off of the guidance and counsel we received from the prophet and apostles.

Then in the middle of this month, we were blessed with Fall Break in our school district. That means I had no school Thursday or Friday! Woohoo!! So Grandma and I decided that this would be the perfect weekend for her to come out and visit. Justin decided to tag along, so for 4 days Jason and I had a grand ol' time with Grandma, Paul and Justin. Grandma and I did some shopping and got some great deals on shoes and a cute jacket! Jason and I drove her and Justin through the Alpine loop and took her to Cascade Springs. Saturday night we had a little birthday party for Jason, celebrating with pizza, cake and presents from the boys and Grandma.
and just to put it in writing for jason's benefit, brian is jealous that ya'll drove the alpine loop with out him...