On Saturday Jason, Waylon ( Jason's friend) and I went to the Ballard locks to see if we could catch a glimpse of the jumbo salmon swimming up stream. The last time Jason and I went we saw little cute fishies about the length of my forearm. This time we saw the big guys. Salmon easily two feet long and weighing 20 pounds! But the coolest part of the whole trip was watching a sea lion have his lunch. He knew where to find all the salmon, and an easy meal. Crowds of people looked on as he ripped salmon apart, flinging them in the air. I thought it was pretty cool, but apparently the local Native American tribe trying to fish the salmon didn't think so. They threw a bomb into the water that went off with a loud explosion under water, meant to scare off the sea lion. But can you blame the poor guy? I know there is no such thing as a free lunch, but if you know how to get one easily why not, right?
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