Redmond is so beautiful right now! The sun has been shining and all of the deciduous trees are bursting with color. I think it's especially beautiful when you can contrast the bright red maple tree leaves with the rich green pines that are right behind them. Ah.... it's so romantic! I gotta bust out my watercolors and try another sad attempt at capturing this!
Jason and I went on a little walk the other day on a trail by our house. I was stopping and taking so many pictures that Jason finally turned to me, exasperated, and said, " Are you going to talk to me or just take pictures??" Poor kid. He lives with such an eccentric wife! I can't help it that I am drawn to beauty! I wish everyone could see it the way I do. Or that I at least had some sort of device capable of capturing the essence of fall in Redmond right now.
I LOVE your pictures! Love Mama